S.R.I. Intergroup Needs Volunteers
Intergroup’s mission is to carry the message of hope to the alcoholic who still suffers. We do this with a volunteer staff of Telephone Help Line Workers and 12th Step Workers.
Telephone Volunteers
The Intergroup Phone Volunteer works in our office on Post Road in Warwick for one 2-3 hour shift per week. An intergroup phone volunteer is motivated to give freely of a few spare hours to give back what he or she has so graciously been given –a chance to lead a productive sober life.
The volunteer has two main duties: to answer our help line; and to sell literature to group members who visit the office for that purpose.
The help line connects the suffering alcoholic with a sober Intergroup Volunteer who is trained to answer questions and initiate a Step Call by contacting one of our Step Workers if it becomes necessary. Our volunteers all have experienced the ‘good feeling’ that comes from helping someone get started on a new way of life.
Distributing AA literature (at cost) to our member groups is another way of spreading the message. It requires no special skill and is very easy to learn. For those with minimal computer skills, the task is even easier. You will be fully trained before you begin.
You must have 6 months of sobriety and embrace the suggestions of the AA program of recovery to become an Intergroup Volunteer.
Calls are forwarded to a live person.
To volunteer, download the form below, fill it in, save, and email to [email protected] (or print and mail to our office address at the end of the page):
Intergroup Telephone Volunteer Application
12th Step Volunteers
The 12th Step Volunteer provides direct, hands on support to the Alcoholic who still suffers. They are men and women who want to carry the message and give away what they themselves have received. They are to be congratulated.
We realize that not everyone is ready for this type of work making it even more important that we maintain a list of willing volunteers that we can call on in times of need.
Intergroup has historically reached 5 –10 suffering alcoholics each month. They call our office and our phone volunteers record their name, phone number, city and a general description of their present condition. Once that is accomplished, the phone volunteer uses our 12th Step Volunteer list to find a contact (it could be you!) to help the suffering person. Most 12th Step calls require only that you share your experience, strength and hope with the caller. This is often enough to attract them to AA. Many members of Rhode Island’s AA Groups came into the program in this way.
You can specify where and when you can help. Let us know what counties or cities you can cover and what times of day you are available. We will respect your wishes in every case. Just a few hours, a few days a week, in a single city can be a BIG help to us. You might be the only one covering a critical “spot” in our program.
To volunteer, download the form below, fill it in, save, and email to [email protected].
Intergroup Telephone Volunteer Application
Intergroup Sign Up Sheet — print one out and take it to your meeting!
Qualifications for any Intergroup trustee, officer or other appointed position will include: a person who is free of alcohol, mind altering drugs, is an active member of an AA home group and who exhibits behavior consistent with the twelve steps of AA.
Any Officer, Trustee, or Activities Chairperson may be removed from office for just cause provided that:
A 2/3 majority vote is obtained from member groups following written notice to all groups of the proposed action
A 2/3 majority vote is obtained from the remaining Officers and Trustees.
Trustees Job Description
Trustees – There will be three non-voting trustees approved by the groups to assist in the overall operation of this office. These trustees will see that the office is operating within the procedures, bylaws and the 12 traditions of AA. The trustees are directly responsible to the member groups.
The Duties of the Trustees are:
- Attendance at OTC and monthly business meetings
- Financial oversight which will include a trustee reviewing all monthly financial statements and signing off on them.
- Oversee the day to day operations of Intergroup
- Advise intergroup reps of any situations which could threaten the health of the organization.
- Rent or lease an office and maintain good relationship with the landlord.
Trustee Approval Process
Intergroup shall have three trustees each serving a three year term, such that the term of one trustee will expire each June 30th. The only exception would be if a trustee took over an unexpired term with less than 2 years remaining, then the trustee could serve for an additional full term if approved. No trustee will serve consecutively for more than 5 years. Trustees can become reapproved after a 5 year expiration of their previous term.
- Ninety days before the expiration of a trustee’s term, the member trustees shall present to the member groups their recommendations for a new trustee. Upon a two thirds approval of the member groups, the new trustee will be seated as of July 1st for a three year term.
- In the event that any member trustee should resign or die, the above procedure for electing a new trustee shall be used to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of office.
- To be considered for the position of Trustee a member must have at least two years of continuous sobriety.
Election of Officers
Elections shall occur in June of each year and terms will run for one year. In April reps will be asked to obtain from their groups candidates for the offices that are open. In May, all nominations from all groups will constitute a slate for the June elections. This slate of officers will then be brought back to all groups by the reps for their group conscience vote. That vote will be brought back to SRI for the June election. Third Legacy Rules will be used if needed as outlined in the General Service Manual. (See pages 49 & 50 of the AA Service Manual.)
Officers Qualifications and Job Descriptions:
Term: 1Year
- To be considered for the position of Chairperson a member must have at least two years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination and should be comfortable leading a large assembly.
- The Chairperson shall become familiar with the SRI Bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order in order to lead the monthly representatives’ meeting.
- The Chair shall appoint committee chairpersons as needed.
- Will teach the Assistant Chairperson the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson.
- Attend monthly OTC and representatives’ meetings.
- The Chairperson will serve a one year term unless filling an unexpired term.
Term: 1Year
To be considered for the position of Treasurer, a member must have at least three years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination and have at least one-year of continuous service with a home group or any AA service organization. Experience in service may be waived for members with five or more years of continuous sobriety. In addition, the candidate must have basic computer skills and be able to manage an on-line bank checking account.
- The Treasurer shall maintain complete itemized financial records as outlined in the Treasurer’s procedure manual. Complete is defined as all income, expenses, savings, checking, outstanding bills, etc.
- Shall complete a monthly and annual financial report which will include all income and expense to be audited and certified by a Trustee and distributed to member groups monthly.
- Shall maintain necessary accounts (checking-savings) needed for proper operation of the office.
- Shall ensure that an adequate inventory of literature and meeting lists is on-hand.
- Shall prepare the monthly financial report and present it at the monthly representatives’ meeting.
- Shall attend the monthly OTC and representatives’ meetings.
- Shall serve a one year term.
Assistant Treasurer
Term: 1Year + 1 Year as Treasurer
To be considered for the position of Assistant Treasurer, a member must have at least two years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination. In addition, the candidate must have basic computer skills and be able to manage a bank checking account.
- The Assistant Treasurer’s job shall be to assist and learn the Treasurer’s duties and procedures to make the yearly transition easier.
- Shall assist the treasure with closing the monthly books.
- The Assistant Treasurer will fill in during vacations and illness.
- At the end of a one year term, he/she will assume the office of Treasurer for the next year.
- Shall attend the monthly OTC and representatives’ meetings
Term: 1Year
To be considered for the position of Secretary a member must have at least two years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination. In addition the person must have basic computer skills including word processor, spreadsheet, and e-mail.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for recording all minutes of representatives’ meetings.
- Shall handle necessary correspondence pertinent to the operation of this office.
- Shall maintain an open file of the minutes from the representatives’ meetings which will include a copy of the Treasurer’s monthly reports.
- Shall ensure that a notice of the monthly intergroup meetings will be placed in the AA Today.
- Shall attend the monthly OTC and representatives’ meetings.
- Keep a record of group attendance.
- Shall serve a one year term.
Activity Chairperson
Term: 2 Years
To be considered for the position of Activity Chairperson a member must have at least two years of continuous sobriety at the time of nomination. In addition, this person must have the necessary skills to plan and manage large scale events such as the New Year’s Eve party and maintain a budget for these events.
- This position will appoint and recruit committee members that will plan social functions.
- Lead the activity committee in planning and organizing events and Alcathons.
- Shall report to the OTC, and to representatives, the progress of planned events.
- Shall maintain a budget which includes an itemized record of income and expense.
- Shall work with the treasurer to ensure accurate payments to vendors are made and that ticket sales are entered into the system.
- Shall attend the monthly OTC and representatives’ meetings
- Shall serve a two year term.
Representatives and Alternate Representatives
The Intergroup representative has the job of linking his/her group with the Intergroup Office. It is he/she who represents the voice of their group conscience. Representatives are elected by their group.
Representatives are appointed by their Group and any requirements for sobriety, etc. are decided by their group conscience.
- Shall report the group’s wishes to the Intergroup Office.
- Shall inform his group of the office activities, problems, programs, etc. as discussed at the monthly representatives’ meetings.
- The representative works with his group to develop practical plans for the groups’ support of the intergroup office in all its activities.
- Will attend the monthly representatives’ meetings.
Appointed Positions
Volunteer Coordinator
Term: 2 Years
To be considered for the position of volunteer coordinator a member must have at least two years of continuous sobriety. In addition, this person must have the necessary skills to manage volunteers ensuring the rules of conduct are being followed. He/she is appointed by the OTC and then approved by the groups.
- Volunteer Coordinator shall be responsible for scheduling telephone volunteers and shall keep the 12th Step and Rides lists up-to-date.
- Shall arrange for training of all new volunteers monitor volunteer performance and take any necessary corrective action in accordance with the SRI code of conduct.
- Shall assist with recruitment of new volunteers.
- Shall ensure that listings of hospitals and treatment facilities are up-to-date and available to telephone volunteers.
- Shall ensure that supplies other than literature (coffee, sugar, printer paper, printer cartridges, light bulbs, etc.) are on hand in reasonable quantities.
- Shall attend the monthly OTC and representatives’ meetings.
- Shall serve a term of two years.
System Administrator
The System Administrator is a highly specialized position requiring extensive computer skills. The ideal System Administrator would have:
- Complete knowledge of the Intergroup Business System including the Volunteer, Volunteer Coordinator, Inventory Controller, Treasurer, and System Administrator functions
- Have a good understanding of Microsoft SQL Database including relational design concepts, SQL, and Security.
- Understand the Intergroup database tables, views, stored procedures, and security objects.
- Be comfortable with the VB.NET programming language.
For obvious reasons, this position is appointed by the O.T.C., sanctioned by the groups, and has no term limit. The System Administrator is a non-officer position. The duties of the System Administrator include:
- Attending all Intergroup Representative and O.T.C. meetings.
- Ensuring that the database is backed up on a regular basis and stored on an external drive.
- Fixing bugs which are found as users perform functions which have not been used before or introduced by programming changes.
- Creating and maintaining user manuals, help system code, and training videos.
- Continual testing and maintenance of all source code.
- Adding new functionality as the need arises.
- Changing existing functions to accommodate a revised ‘business process’ (i.e.: Implementing an automatic accrual process for lowering or raising book prices.)
- Upgrading the system platform when it will no longer function with the current version of Windows.
- Training a willing and qualified person with a strong commitment to Intergroup.
Note: In theory it is possible to handle this position without knowing the database or programming aspects. In that case no changes to the system would be made and infrequent bugs could not be fixed.
Telephone Volunteers
Telephone volunteers must have a minimum of 90 Days of continuous sobriety, demonstrate commitment to the A.A. program and adhere to the Code of Conduct policy. Candidates for telephone volunteers must be approved by the Volunteer Coordinator.